01. xGantt
01. xGantt
The xGantt BlackBox is used to display an interactive Gantt chart, pulling in events from FileMaker data - and writing back when applicable. It utilises the dhtmlxGantt library: JavaScript Gantt Chart Library - DHTMLX Gantt
(Please scroll down to the bottom of the above link to view licensing details)
Our BlackBox xGantt demo utilises the Free GNU GPL v2 license, which provides the following:
Group items together under a ‘parent’ item
The ability to move items, and add/edit/delete, using an interactive edit box
Represent dependencies between items by linking together a sequence
There is a Pro license available, that allows such things as multiple charts on a single page, the ability to export to PDF/PNG and integration with MS Project.
The following interactions are included:
Creating a task record by clicking the + button
Modifying a task record (including deletion) by double clicking onto any task, it opens a dialog where you can change the description, start date and duration (see below screenshot)
Scrolling left or right within the date range
Tasks can be dragged to change start date date
Tasks can be resized to change duration
You can create sequences between tasks by dragging from one to another
Remove a link between two tasks by double clicking it and clicking Delete
You can click the + next to any task along the left, which will create a new task with a dependency on it
You can slide an arrow across a task to set how far the task has progressed as a percentage
The parameters are as follows:
xGantt ( ChartStartDate ; ChartEndDate ; id_field ; description_field ; barcolour_field ; startts_field ; endts_field ; order_field ; progress_field ; parentid_field ; linksid_field ; linkssource_field ; linkstarget_field ; linkstype_field { ; chart_options_js } )
Parameter | Description |
ChartStartDate | A FileMaker date that tells the chart where to start Eg, |
ChartEndDate | A FileMaker date that tells the chart where to end Eg, |
id_field | A unique identifier used for each task record Eg, |
description_field | A field with some text content that will appear as the label for the task Eg, |
barcolour_field | A field that determines the colour an task is given on the calendar, contents can be text (eg, Eg, |
startts_field | A field indicating the start date/time of a task record, can be a Date or Timestamp field Eg, |
endts_field | A field indicating the end date/time of an task record, can be a Date or Timestamp field Eg, |
order_field | A field with a number that represents its order when tasks take place at the same time Eg, |
progress_field | A field with a number that represents how far it has progressed (between 0 and 1) Eg, |
parentid_field | A foreign key to matches to the primary key of a parent Task record Eg, |
linksid_field | A unique identifier used for each Link record Eg, |
linkssource_field | A foreign key that matches to a task record we’re linking from Eg, |
linkstarget_field | A foreign key that matches to a task record we’re linking from Eg, |
chart_options_js | Text content with javaScript that applies additional settings to the calendar (optional) Eg, |
xGantt (
Get ( CurrentDate ) - 3 ;
Get ( CurrentDate ) + 3 ;
"bb_data_schedules::id" ;
"bb_data_schedules::description" ;
"bb_data_schedules::bar_color" ;
"bb_data_schedules::tstamp_start" ;
"bb_data_schedules::tstamp_end" ;
"bb_data_schedules::sort" ;
"bb_data_schedules::progress" ;
"bb_data_schedules::id_parent" ;
"bb_data_links::id" ;
"bb_data_links::id_source" ;
"bb_data_links::id_target" ;
"gantt.config.readonly = false;"
The chart_options_js
parameter can be used to apply additional settings to the chart. In our example above we are setting the chart to be read-only. The full set of chart properties is available here:
You can set multiple properties by separating them with a semicolon. For example:
"gantt.config.scale_unit = 'hour';
gantt.config.step = 1;
gantt.config.date_scale = '%M-%d %g%a';
gantt.config.min_column_width = 80;
gantt.config.duration_unit = 'minute';
gantt.config.duration_step = 30;
gantt.config.scale_height = 50;"
This changes the scale of the X-axis, it breaks it up into 1-hour increments, rather than into days - which is the default. It also allows you to increment duration by 30min intervals when editing the task.
With a bit of tweaking you’ll be able to get the calendar scale however you want.
The task records included in the calendar will be constrained by the relationship to the table occurrence of your parameter fields. Multi-line keys can be used, but only on the left-hand side of the relationship. In other words, you can use multi-line keys only if they’re on the table that your current context is based on.
Reactor can poll for any new, deleted or updated records at a regular interval, say every few seconds. This means changes in the FileMaker data will be reflected on the chart in near real-time.
To enable polling, your task table must have a a zModID
field, with an auto-enter set to the Modication Timestamp
Style Customisations
You can customise the CSS of the chart by using Reactor Core to edit the following CSS document:
You will need to recompile the BlackBox to apply any changes you make.