07. Kanban


07. Kanban

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The Kanban BlackBox is used to display a grid of records that can be drag-and-dropped to sort, both within a column or into other columns. It utilises the jQuery UI library.


The following interactions are included:

  • Display a main title label

  • Display a secondary description label

  • Provide a set of columns

  • Place any un-categorised records into an ‘Unassigned’ column


The parameters are as follows:

Kanban ( IDField ; TitleField ; DescriptionField ; ColumnField ; SortNoField ; Columns )




A field with a unique identifier for each row

Eg, "bb_data_planets::id"


A field with some text content that will appear as a main title for a box

Eg, "bb_data_planets::name"


A field with some text content that will appear as a secondary description for a box

Eg, "bb_data_planets::description"


A field with a category that determines what column it will appear under, needs to match one of the Columns to appear

Eg, "bb_data_planets::column"


A field with a sort number that determines its relative order

Eg, "bb_data_schedules::bar_color"


A comma seperated list of columns to show

Eg, "Trip 1,Trip 2,Trip 3,Trip 4"


Kanban ( 

  "bb_data_planets::id" ; 

  "bb_data_planets::name" ; 

  "bb_data_planets::description" ; 

  "bb_data_planets::column" ; 

  "bb_data_planets::sort" ; 

  "Trip 1,Trip 2,Trip 3,Trip 4" 


It’s important to note that when sorting the boxes, you are setting the relative sort for the records belonging to the dataset. When you change the sort order for a particular row for one subset of the data, it may have a different sort order for different subset of the data.


The box records included on the board will be constrained by the relationship to the table occurrence of your parameter fields. Multi-line keys can be used, but only on the left-hand side of the relationship. In other words, you can use multi-line keys only if they’re on the table that your current context is based on.

Style Customisations

You can customise the CSS of the board by using Reactor Core to edit the <style> block in the following HTML document:

You will need to recompile the BlackBox to apply any changes you make.

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