
Two Options: Linking and Embedding

There are two ways to get the free calendar to work with your file. You can link the SeedCode Calendar file to your, or you can embed it, pasting the fields, scripts, and layouts required from our file into yours.

Linking the two files is by far the easiest approach and if you often want to see the calendar in its own window then this is definitely the way to go. This is also the best option if you are newer to FileMaker Pro.

Like all multi-file solutions you'll need to have your accounts and privilege sets in both files (unless you set the calendar file to auto-open with its own, low access password for everyone)-- that's the only downside of this method. And if you're using external authentication, then it's no downside at all.

A linked calendar is also somewhat easier to update when SeedCode releases new versions-- though you still have to re-make any mods or customizations you've made.

Learn how to Link the Calendar.

Embedding the calendar into your file means the calendar ends up as a layout (its own layout, not part of an existing layout) in your file so you'll only have that one file when you're done. This is a more tedious integration process but if you follow our instructions carefully it doesn't take that long.

Learn how to Embed the Calendar.