

The CalPack comes with functions to display your FileMaker records as calendar appointments in a Day, Week and Month view, along with a Resource calendar which can show appointments for many resources at once. There's also the new NavCal control which displays a simple month calendar for quick navigation between dates.

BlackBox Controls

Control Name





The Day Cal is a rich Drag-n-drop day or week view calendar, and allows a huge variety of overrides to make the calendar behave just how you want it.


The Resource Cal is an extended version of the DayCalendar function, allowing bookings to be made for specified resources. Resources need not be people: you can track rooms, vehicles or any other type of resource.


The Month Cal is a rich Drag-n-drop month view calendar, which again gives you huge flexibility in implementation, by way of overrides.




The Nav Cal is a simple, standalone widget that you can easily drop onto a layout to give your users a quick and easy way to navigate between dates.


With many customization options, these are extremely flexible, and can be tailored for most purposes with the built in customizations alone.



It's possible to customize the look, layout and behaviour of many aspects of the Calendars by means of built-in "overrides", which are JavaScript and CSS functions. This is powerful but advanced stuff, and will make most sense if you're familiar with those technologies somewhat to begin with. If you don't want to tackle this yourself, but want it done, contact us - we're happy to be contracted to do this work.

To find out what functional overrides are available, you need to use Override Inspector. To make style and layout changes, use CSS Overrides. The best way to determine what CSS overrides are available is to open the Reactor debugger and click the CSS tab. See CSS Overrides for further info.

Action Parameters

Each of the functions in the Calendar Pack have optional Action parameters, allowing you to run a script or set a field when a field is selected. See Action Parameters for details.

Multi-User Compatibility

Each of the calendars have advanced multi-user compatibility built in. The control will let users know when the record is locked by another user, and by adding a single field, the calendar can automatically update records which have been modified by other users.

Multi-Line Keys in Calendars

Showing appointments for more than one person on one calendar is possible by having a multi-line key on the left side of the relationship. There are a couple of gotchas:


  • Use BlackBoxRefresh() to ensure the calendar updates correctly when the key value changes

  • If you create an appointment while the key contains multiple values (people), then the new record inherits the entire multi-line key, so this needs to be handled by setting the key to a global or having Action parameters to run a script and set the record up.



CalPack Multiline Keys.fp7

illustrates a calendar working from a multi-line key.

Updating from the Original CalPack

If you're considering updating your v1 Calendars to make use of the great customization features of the CalPack2 Calendars, read this.

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